Not every tip is a huge, mind-blowing, world flipping idea that will change the way you conduct business or handle your mobile and social marketing. Some tips are small, simple but great. This week's Tuesday Tip is one of those, offering a simple idea that can lend you a helpful hand in your marketing strategy and planning.
Snagging Categories
In Squareberry, events and promotion are organized into categories. Categories determine where events are displayed, when reminders about them are published to social media and more. You can "SNAG" a category from another account to display and use in your account.
For example, we just announced the availability of this year's NHL schedule. You can snag your favorite team's schedule to display on your calendar or share it on social media. But, beyond using them directly for sharing and publishing, snagged categories can help you plan and strategize your marketing efforts.
Use Snagged Categories As a Guide
The Planner in your account is your master blueprint. It lays out your events, messages and promotions. It is where you view things you already scheduled, edit content and add new happenings. The Planner is the main place you spend your time in your account.
The Planner is also where you... plan. This is where you decide when events will take place, when you will run promotions, when you will send messages, etc. While planning your marketing efforts, it is important to have context and be aware of other things going on that will affect your audience.
Almost every organization can benefit from snagging "Holidays". This will add all the holidays to your Planner and calendars if you so choose. Holidays affect your audience greatly. They determine if your audience will be at work or school, if family is in town, etc. Knowing when holidays are and scheduling messages, events and promotions around them can be a great asset.
You also want to be aware of other important happenings for your audience. Local events, sports teams, quirky days like "National Cheese Day" and others are all relevant. Your social and mobile messaging is being sent out to people aware of all these things. You need to show your organization is aware of them too, is part of the community and holds events/promotions that are relevant to what is happening.
Snagging other categories of holidays and schedules so they show up on your Planner allows you to always be aware of what is happening while planning and scheduling your marketing communications. It works as a guide, gives you ideas and helps you assure your content is fresh and relative.
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