Squareberry gives you the power to broadcast your events and coupon promotions across a wide range of media. Your special happenings are sent on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, SMS, web calendars and on your mobile website. But beyond your events and promotions, it is important to make your mobile website interactive.
Interactive Mobile Website Pages
Adding interactive pages makes your website more functional, giving it a purpose being simply providing static information. Interactive elements can include forms, sharing features and polls, all of which can be done with page types featured in the Mobile Management area of Squareberry.
The "Listen&Count Poll" page type allows you to add an interactive polls to your mobile site. You can add any of the specific Listen&Count polls you have created or set the page to always use the most recently created poll.
The "Email Send" page type allows you to create a menu option that allows users to quickly send an email, sharing information you dictate. This allows you to create a "Share" feature for mobile site visitors to send your site or other information to a friend using the native email functions on their mobile device.
The "Contact Page" page type allows you to utilize a simple contact form and phone call button. This can be used as a contact page, as an online ordering page or anything else you come up with. Not only is this an interactive element on your site, it gets site visitors interacting directly with your and your organization.
Media on your Mobile Site
Rich media, while not fully interactive, is much more engaging than just using text. Add videos and photos throughout your mobile site to better engage your audience. You can also take advantage of the Photo Gallery mobile page type to add touch-friendly photo galleries.